Meet Jim in November!

Apr 18, 2019

I love to travel. It’s always fun and different and I always learn something new on every trip.  It doesn’t matter if it’s my tenth time to Disneyland or the first time to Atlantic City, NJ, it’s all great.  So I get excited when we start putting together my signing event schedule for the year.  Love the idea of me being the “New Arrival” at a store near you!

But more than just the travel, I love the chance to meet and talk with the people I actually work for.  I can get pretty isolated alone in a studio every day.  It gets my creative juices flowing to hear your thoughts about your favourite subjects or colour choices. And you’d be surprised to hear just how much of my finished art starts out in that kind of conversation!  Here’s a short video with more about the schedule and what it means to me.  I hope to see you at one of my events this year!